Read the first ten pages for free!
David's been forgetting things, and his body is playing tricks on him.
Firefly's trying to make a name for herself as a superhero.
Kay's doing their best to keep all the plates spinning.
Sally's just started HRT, and she'd quite like a girlfriend.
Rhi's just lonely.
Five lives entwined into one. Five people who have to find a way to coexist. And four people who have to work out how to tell David he's growing tits.
Identity: a comic written and drawn by Jenny Hackett and published by issue sporadically.
PDF and physical issues avaiable via Ko-Fi. Updates via Instagram.
- Issue #1: David
David's been forgetting things, and his body's playing tricks on him. Firefly's trying to make a name for herself as a superhero. Unfortunately for both, they share a body... - Issue #2: Firefly
Firefly follows a lead to the docks... but she's not alone. Enter Riot and Flicker, a superpowered odd couple more into recon than ruckus! Will our hothead heroine see eye-to-eye with this dialectic duo? Or will their fractious friendship 'flicker' out?